Live Auction

Model Trains & Die-Cast Tractors

We have two extensive collections of model trains, ranging from Z gauge to G gauge. The majority of the trains are Lionel O gauge. Both of these collections are from previous owners who have passed away.

Furthermore, we also have a die-cast tractor collection from a local deceased owner. Most of the tractors are new and still in their boxes.

We will be starting at 9:00 AM with a gallery-only walk-and-sell auction of tractors. This will be followed by toy trains. At 9:30 AM, we will split and start the internet and gallery session. This will allow two rings to run for a little while. So, be sure to bring a friend and don't miss this auction.

Auction and Contact Information


1625 West Church Street
Newark, OH 43055


Tuesday, May 4th
1:00 - 5:00 PM